The Starting Five Live

Replay: The Michael, Gaston and Taylor Tillery Interview

TSF Live 163 is a replay of our 103rd show: a mashup of my children featuring Michael, Gaston and Taylor. Iâm so proud of them, and itâs pretty incredible theyâve become these functioning adults set on making a global difference. As parents, we always remember our kids as toddlers pulling on your pants leg totally dependent on us. When they grow, that all changes and independence blooms. I love you three. Thanks for being a part of my professional journey. It has not been easy, but I promise you our collective strength will move the crowd not through dreams, but through influential action. Letâs get it Chillerys. This is what we do. This is most likely the last of these mashups as my two year anniversary approaches next week. Your support is so love. Thanks for everything everybody. 


Michael Tillery analyzes sports, reports on location and speaks to the athletes well as celebrities, coaches, agents, fans, writers, etc., on The Starting Five Live.

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